Dealing With Depression
Just like with most things in life, the effectiveness of depression treatment is unique.
Medical professionals generally agree that the optimum therapy for depression combines psychological counseling and medicines.
Psychotherapy and Medicine
Whatever the underlying cause of depression, both psychotherapy and medicine can help to alleviate the most distressing symptoms.
You should consult with your depression treatment professional to determine the appropriate treatment if you have depression.
Effective Depression Therapies
Psychological therapy is effective for some people, whereas drugs are beneficial for others.
Others require BOTH psychological treatment AND medicine.
Treatment With Medications
Professionals don’t advocate that everyone with depression take a prescription to help manage their illness.
To understand the efficacy of antidepressant medication, it is necessary to first describe the different types of antidepressant medications that are available
Depression Medications
Antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed medicines for the treatment of depression and other mood disorders. It has been medically proven that antidepressants work by treating depression. They help people feel better by reducing or eliminating symptoms.
Depression Medications Come in a Variety of Forms
Antidepressants are available in a wide variety of forms. Meanwhile, depression treatment varies by personality type, family, and even social class.
Each medicine differs slightly even within the same class. Each class of antidepressants has adverse effects and cautions. Many of the specific medications have their own set of risks.
First, let’s look at the antidepressant class that most people are familiar with: tricyclics.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor is the medical term for an SSRI medication. These drugs function by keeping the neurotransmitter serotonin from being reabsorbed by the nerve cell that released it, which keeps it active.
In the class of antidepressants are SSRIs:
When it comes to treating my depression, many turn to sertraline.
Synthetic neurotrophic factor receptor-interacting molecules
A lot of people will use both of these terms interchangeably.
SSNRI stands for selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, whereas SNRI stands for serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, but the differences are negligible.
Duloxetine and venlafaxine are both SNRIs, and they work similarly.
One Size Does Not Fit All
One size does not fit all when it comes to antidepressants. You can only find a medication that works for you after trying various antidepressants recommended by your doctor or therapist.
The dosage amount must also be experimented with. Many patients are started on a low dose of an antidepressant and it is gradually increased over time, as necessary.
There are probable adverse effects with some of these drugs, as there are with all prescribed medications.
Antidepressant medication needs to be monitored by a doctor or psychiatrist to ensure it is still functioning and to correct the dosage. This cannot be stressed enough.
More About Antidepressants with Depression: What You Need to Know
As previously stated, treatment for depression often includes antidepressant medication, and here are a few side effects you can expect:
- A deep sense of melancholy about seemingly insignificant events.
- A lack of enjoyment or interest in activities that you would typically like.
- Either sleeping a lot or a little.
- Feelings of worthlessness, excessive remorse, or concern.
- An inability to concentrate or think clearly.
- An imbalance in certain brain chemicals can be found among those who suffer from depression.
Antidepressant drugs operate by assisting the brain’s chemical balance to return to normal, hence reducing symptoms.
How Long Do They Work?
Many patients say they have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for the antidepressants to start working.. In some cases, it may take up to six weeks following the initial dose of medication before you notice an antidepressant impact.
A few people will see results in as short as two weeks, while others may not see any improvement for six months or more.
There is no doubt that antidepressant medicine works exceptionally well. Around 70% of persons with severe depression begin to feel better with the first antidepressant prescription.
Depression as Mental Illness
Depression is one of the easiest mental illnesses to stop, pause, and alleviate, yet doctors try to cure depression every day in hospitals around the country without making patients aware of the more easily accessible remedies that are available. Serious depression may require medicine and long-term counseling, although typical sadnesses and mild melancholy can be halted by having the person take action with a counseling approach.
Society is so reliant on pharmaceuticals and healing that can only be achieved via the use of drugs or surgery that people are unwilling to hear the truth about depression and what may help to alleviate it. Not everyone requires medications. But taking action, being active, and being creative can, in certain circumstances where moderate depression is present, cure that depression.
It’s possible to keep doing whatever it is that helps alleviate depression in the same way one does when one takes pharmaceutical drugs. Prescription depression medications are used by far too many people who then do little to improve their own situations. There is no way to get rid of sadness by just taking pills and doing nothing. Depressed people are often motionless, lay dormant, and have no inventiveness or drive to do anything in life. Another type of depression is a light one, in which the person is active and continues to be active to combat their depression, and as long as the person is engaged in their life, the depression lessens and eventually disappears.
Feeling Depressed? Get Help Now!
Our full-service counseling practice finds the right therapist for your needs.
Call The Banyan Group today at 561-967-2566. You can also contact us here.