Testing and Evaluation

Testing and Evaluation

Psychological Testing: Adult

Psychological testing can be done for the courts, employment, or educational placements. Testing ranges from 3 to 5 hours depending on tests being administered.

Psychological Testing: Child

Psychological testing can be done for the courts, employment, or educational placements. Testing ranges from 3 to 5 hours depending on tests being administered.
Childhood Disorders Assessment

Childhood Disorders Assessment

Childhood disorders can be difficult to diagnosis because children are not able to clearly describe their symptoms like adults. A child psychiatrist provides an extensive psychiatric evaluation that includes diagnostic testing to identify and verify developmental disabilities like learning disabilities, autism, Rhett’s, Attention Deficit, Asperger’s, or retardation.

Gifted Testing

School aged children & adolescents are eligible for the Gifted Education Program in Palm Beach County schools, if they have demonstrated by evidence of a majority of characteristics of gifted students as scored on a District Checklist; and have a score of 90th percentile or higher on either the math or reading portion of an individually administered achievement test; and
A score of 130 or higher on an individually administered Intelligence Quotient Test.