How Much Does a Psychologist Cost per Hour in Florida?

When you’re seeking mental health services and want to talk to a psychologist, the cost of therapy is one of the first factors to consider. Psychiatrists also typically charge by the hour to discuss your concerns and offer solutions or prescription medication. When you’re seeking professional help, there are a few factors to consider in determining the overall cost.

The Hourly Rate Varies

When you’re looking for a psychologist West Palm Beach, the cost of the services ranges from $65 per hour to $250. This can allow you to find a reputable psychologist from a location like Banyan Group Counseling that is within your price range. The overall rate depends on the expert’s level of experience in their field, as well as their qualifications or certifications.

Some psychologists also charge on a sliding scale, depending on your household income. This can allow you to see a specific professional who offers counseling that is affordable based on your earnings. You can also talk to your employer about any benefits you can access to obtain mental health services.


The overall cost of services is also influenced by the conditions the psychologist in Palm Beach Gardens specializes in. Whether you’re seeking services for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or depression, the cost can vary depending on the level of expertise and education needed.

Insurance Coverage

You can also reach out to your insurance provider to find psychologists in West Palm Beach who accept your insurance. This can allow you to spend a lot less out of pocket for the copay and have more of a selection of professionals you can afford to see. This can offset some of the cost of medications you’re prescribed and can allow you to visit your counselor more consistently throughout the month.

Most insurance providers have a large number of in-network providers in the local area to ensure you can be selective and find someone you’re comfortable seeing. You can also seek assistance through the Medicaid program in your state.

Free Therapy

If you’re seeking healthcare services but don’t have insurance and have a small budget, there are some clinics that offer free therapy. Consider contacting your state’s department to obtain resources for mental health clinics or obtain referrals to services that are more affordable for low-income clients.

Some universities and colleges also have clinics that offer counseling to students. You can receive mental health services and free treatment from professionals who are working to meet their licensing requirements.

It’s also possible to enroll in studies for mental health conditions that allow you to have access to a psychologist in Palm Beach Gardens without paying for the services.

Understanding the overall costs of seeing a psychologist can allow you to budget accordingly and plan for the upcoming expense. Feel free to reach out to us at Banyan Group Counseling to learn more about the cost of services. We can answer your questions and help you prepare for your first visit.