Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Timothy is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with the Banyan Group.

Timothy is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Psychologist with the Banyan Group.

He works in private practice as a clinical hypnotherapist, clinical sexologist, school psychologist, and psychotherapist. His previous experience involves working with the Palm Beach County School Board, the Arabian-American Oil Company, the University of Southern Mississippi and Los Alamos Public Schools. He has served as both guidance counselor and school psychologist. In 1976, he received his Masters Degree in Guidance and Counseling from the University of South Florida. He also received his Educational Specialists degree in Research and Evaluation with emphasis in School Psychology from the University of Southern Mississippi. He also received his Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Psychology from the California Coast University. Therapy specialties include: anxiety and panic disorders, anger management, Autism Spectrum

Disorders,  behavior problems, children & adolescents, court/custody issues, divorce & adjustment issues, depression, domestic violence, family, marriage counseling, obsessive compulsive disorders, phobias, relationships, and stress management.

Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Certificates & awards
Licensed Mental Health Counselor